A vision for Sindelfingen's city center
Sindelfingen macht Mitte
Developing a positive and refreshing vision: That is the claim of the ambitious target image process for Sindelfingen's city center. As a medium-sized city in the Stuttgart region, Sindelfingen must reposition itself not only as a retail location, but also as a cultural, administrative and symbolic center. How can the city's cultural diversity also be reflected in its center? How can Sindelfingen continue to offer urban experiences for young and old? What role will work, housing, retail and education play in the future of the center, and how can the city center become climate-friendly? With "Sindelfingen macht Mitte" urbanista develops a sustainable and realistic vision for the future of the city center together with the city, the economic development agency and the people of Sindelfingen - from the vision and scenario phase to concrete projects and urban development measures. In contrast to traditional city center assessments, our processes thrive on the intensive participation of the city society: As the nucleus of the city society, a diverse future team of local city center actors accompanies the entire process. In addition, a variety of participation formats - online and offline - give citizens the opportunity to participate in the development of the inner city concept. The goal is to strengthen all pillars of the city in order to make the city center robust for the future.
2019 - 2022
City of Sindelfingen
Björge Köhler, Julian Petrin