Develop the city further, remain Freiburg
Freiburg future scenarios 2040
In preparation for the redrafting of the land use plan (FNP), urbanista developed innovative future scenarios of conceivable spatial developments for the city of Freiburg. These scenarios are intended to show the consequences of different municipal decisions for the development of the city by critically analyzing social opportunities and challenges specifically for the city of Freiburg. The future scenarios show a broad spectrum of future developments for the city of Freiburg and were combined in a strategic target scenario that serves as a compass and guideline for the land use decisions in the further FNP process. The approach of the future scenarios should help to strengthen Freiburg's adaptability to the changing framework conditions and to steer an orderly and public welfare-oriented development of the city until the year 2040 with new approaches to land use.
2020 - 2022
City of Freiburg - City Planning Office
Julian Petrin, Sven Kohlschmidt