Urban living lab

My Kochi

MyKochi (EnteKochi in local Malayalam) encouraged creative thinking from as many different people as possible about the future of their own city. By combining crowd-sourcing and co-creative working methods, urbanista has shown how an 'urban lab' can involve citizens as local experts in the search for perspectives for the urban future of the city. Only if we use the knowledge of as many people as possible and involve a variety of stakeholders, we are able to combine theory and practice to make smart decisions and develop intelligent solutions for the future. The urban lab was designed to foster this process of collaborative thinking and discussion. In doing so, it was explicitly allowed to make mistakes, to think "out of the box ideas" and to develop ideas that at first seem utopian. We need to allow ourselves to try things out, explore alternatives and challenge the boundaries in order to equip Stat Kochi for its future challenges.

Project Period

2018 - 2019


Kochi, India


GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation)

Contact persons

Tobias Hoss, former Markus Ewald and Sophia Naue

External links
Current projects
The following projects provide an insight into where and how we are currently shaping urban change.
All projects