Tristan Lannuzel
architecte d.p.l.g.
Urban Foresight, Großräumiges Entwerfen, Innenstadtkonzepte, Integrierte Stadtentwicklung, Stadtstrategien & Leitbilder
Tristan Lannuzel studied architecture in Lyon and Hanover until 2002, specialising in urban projects. After several years of experience in various Berlin architectural offices, he was a member of the French-based international network Interland from 2008 to 2010, developing collaborations between France and Germany. He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Urban Development in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Kassel. There, Tristan Lannuzel developed the research focus on cartographic representation and visualisation of complex urban phenomena. From the spring semester 2019 to 2021, he taught urban planning fundamentals as part of the module "Planning Design and Argumentation" in the Master's programme "Spatial Planning" at ETH Zurich. As a partner and shareholder at urbanista (since 2016), he is responsible for large-scale development concepts (e.g. Agglomeration Concept Cologne-Bonn, Cologne Perspectives 2030+) and large-scale future image and participation processes and research projects (e.g. "City of the Day After Tomorrow" on behalf of the BBSR, "SUNRISE" an EU Horizon 2020 project). A current focus of his work is the development of inner city concepts, among others for the cities of Wolfsburg, Bielefeld, Paderborn and Darmstadt.